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Polish Your Cauldron + Keep Away the Cold

A lovely night for a a bit of flying.Woodcut dated 1579 in France.

The Witches be cacklin’ tonight!  As black as night with a purple glow, our Cauldron Polish Cold Care Elixir is your ally when it comes to charming away colds.  Take at the first sign of a cold or ‘flu and our Cauldron Polish’s anti-viral enchantments will prevent tricky colds and ‘flu from taking hold.  Cauldron Polish has a sweet taste with a bit of tang and just a bit of Ginger bite, making our Cold Care Elixir a delicious addition to your home wellness repertoire.

ELDER BERRY + FLOWER Sambucus nigra: The Elder Mother is a fiercely protective spirit surrounded in the mists of magic, so we employ her mighty powers of healing and protection in our cold care elixir.  Elder flowers are soothing and calming as well as being anti-inflammatory.  The berries of Elder are delicious, nutritious, immune-boosting and high in vitamin C.  Elder will not only strengthen the immune system but help to shorten recovery time from colds, stress and physical exertion.

GINGER Zingiber officinale: Ginger is especially potent in preventing colds and the ‘flu if taken at the onset of symptoms by increasing the bodies vital energy needing to fend off infection.  Warming and circulatory, Ginger will heat up your extremities and soothe aching muscles while dispelling mental fatigue.  Ginger also helps with stomach upsets, gas and cramping because it is such a darn generous rhizome.

RAW LOCAL TEXAS WILDFLOWER HONEY: Used for thousands of years as good medicine, raw Honey is a golden treasure of healing.  Full of vitamins, minerals and living enzymes, Honey is a perfect medium to carry the medicinal powers of our Cold Care Elixir.

RAW APPLE CIDER VINEGAR: Alkalinizing Vinegar chock full of vitamins and minerals rounds out our Cold Care Elixir in healing qualities and taste.  Raw Apple Cider Vinegar helps to bring the body back into balance while providing essential nutrients and with its anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial powers.

Our Cauldron Polish Cold Care Elixir is currently offered in a 2 ounce size and comes in a clear, square glass bottle.   To purchase our Cauldron Polish Cold Care Elixir visit our S H O P.

Buzz! Buzz! New Tea Blend for Children and Busy Folks!

Buzz! Zoom! Zip!

There they go again! Our buzzy little bees are off on another adventure! Let’s help them land back down softly on the earth (or at least dock for some down-time) with our calming, soothing and altogether centering Buzzy Blend. We work with a lot of kids (whether as a nanny or herbalist) and appreciate the importance of children maintaining their equilibrium so they can explore the world in a mindful and joyful way. Buzzy Blend is full of delicious, nutritious and deeply calming herbs to balance buzz with bliss.

LEMON BALM Melissa officinalis: With a name referring to the bees and their love of plant (Melissa is “honey bee” in Greek), Lemon Balm is a suitable choice for the Buzzy ones our Buzzy Blend is meant for. Calming anxious and over-excited children is one of Lemon Balm’s skills. It is also useful in helping to prevent nightmares when taken before bed.

PASSIONFLOWER Passiflora incarnata: Promotes focus and helps kids to center when they are overstimulated. Very calming without being sedating.

CATNIP Nepeta cataria: Another calming herb, Catnip addresses feelings of restlessness. Also helps with upset tummies!

CHAMOMILE Matricaria recutita: For the cranky complainer who is prone to whining, Chamomile restores equilibrium (and hopefully peace!). Another herb that is soothing to the digestive system.

BEE POLLEN: A little golden powerhouse of nutrition, Bee Pollen is full of amino acids, trace minerals, essential fatty acids, enzymes and more. Naturally sweet, Bee Pollen helps to fill out the flavor of our tea blend.

Find Buzzy Blend and many more of our delightful teas in our S H O P!

Flower + Gem Essence Remedy Kits!

Drift Uplifted into the sky,

Be ever more Courageous as you fly!

You'll be Grounded + Centered on landing, we trust -

And truly Renewed by your journey of flowers, gems, and starstuff!

While bad poetry is not included all four of our Flower + Gem Essence combinations certainly are! Our Flower + Gem Essence Remedy Kit comes in a lovely green pocket box along with a card describing each of the Essence combinations qualities and ingredients.

The Flower + Gem Essence Remedy kit includes one 1/2 ounce stock bottle preserved in organic vodka of:

Grounded + Centered: for when you feel unbalanced, light-headed, and have difficulty staying focused. Helps you feel grounded, steady, and centered.

Uplifted: for when you feel burdened and overwhelmed by responsibility. Helps relieves anxiety around the tasks at hand while helping you to find what brings you joy in life.

Courageous: for when fears fill your head and you don't feel strong enough to face them. Helps you to find courage while feeling protected and nurtured at your very core.

Renewed: for when you are recovering from an illness, emotional trauma or other times of strain on your system. Helps to return vitality to your whole being, freeing you from previous disruptive patterns of behavior.

In addition to taking Flower + Gem Essences as drops you can: ★ Add them to your drinking water, smoothies, and juices ★ Spray them throughout your work and living spaces ★ Rub them onto pulse and chakra points ★ Put them in your bath water

Read more about our Flower + Gem Essences here.

Our Flower + Gem Essence Remedy Kits can be purchased in our S H O P.

Living In Austin

We like living in Austin. The people are as welcoming as the cool shade of old oaks on a hot day.

Folks generally speak a little slower.

They move a little slower.

And keeping cool has taken on a whole new meaning - and it is not even summer yet.

Lets just say that most of the teas we are enjoying these days are iced.

It's been a good move.