Filtering by Category: plant allies

Remembering Wholeness: Rosemary

Rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis is known for remembrance and to keep the spirit youthful. Keep it under your bed to protect against bad dreams, hang it above doors and porches to deter thieves. Rosemary planted by the front door shows that the women run the home as well as their fortune. Clears spaces of harmful energies through its purifying vibrations and happy song. Watch closely the Rosemary bush, for you might just spot the Good Folk hidden amongst its branches.

Rosemary is the herb for those who look as though they need the dry, hot heat of the Mediterranean to restore their vitality and bring a healthy color to the skin. For those who feel stuck, might have poor circulation, and a general lack of energy and enthusiasm – life seems a bit grey, a bit bitter. The glow of Rosemary relieves the chilliness of body and spirit, bringing warmth and movement to the heart and mind.

Rosemary has many uses because it is, quite frankly, so useful! Rosemary is good for aiding the memory and improving concentration, as well as relieving tension headaches and “brain fog.” It also helps atop our head by promoting hair growth and providing relief for itchy scalps and dandruff. Rosemary has also been used in treatments of depression, Alzheimer’s disease, vertigo, stress, and anxiety.

After a bought of sickness or a round of the blues, drink Rosemary tea to restore your body’s inner warmth and fire for life. Rosemary is very restorative to all of our blood organs such as the liver, heart, spleen, and kidneys, which need some helpful cleansing after a period of fatigue. Use Rosemary to bring on menses and reduce menstrual cramps.

Rosemary bush from

Rosemary stimulates liver function and improves circulation by raising blood pressure. Our green friend also treats excessive blood sugar by enhancing the burning off of and consumption of blood sugars and fats by the metabolism. Therefore, Rosemary is used in the treatment of diabetes. Rosemary can also be used as a cancer preventative for its abilities to prevent carcinogenic chemicals from binding to DNA and causing mutations.

Topically, Rosemary can be used to relieve the itch of eczema, soothe sore muscles, sprains, and rheumatism. The oil can be rubbed into the skin to improve circulation. A poultice of Rosemary placed on the forehead and back of the neck can be employed when treating headaches and migraines. Make a medicinal strength brew of Rosemary tea to use as a hair rinse to treat dandruff and scalp itchiness.

Holy Herb of the West: Yerba Santa

The sweet tasting Yerba Santa is said to enhance beauty and be useful in spells of glamoury and illusion. In addition to its ability to magickally alter the appearance of clever sorcerers, Yerba Santa is said to protect the wearer from illness and disease when worn around the neck.  Place it on your altar as a sacred offering.  Call them Bear's Weed, Holy Herb, Mountain Balm or Tar Weed there are many more ways than wearing our purple-flowered friend about our neck to improve our health.

Yerba Santa is an excellent herbal ally for the cold parts of the year when stuffed-up noses and congested chests are passed around like holiday gifts.  'Tis the season for giving (along with all other three seasons, but that's a bit beyond the point)!  Yerba Santa is an excellent remedy for a wet cold - one that is mucousy, sniffling, and has a cough.  As an astringent and decongestant, Yerba Santa dries up excess mucous by normalizing excess mucous secretion.  Normalizing mucous secretion means that you won't have to go back and forth between too much and too little secretion leading to being too dried out and equally uncomfortable.  In addition to its powers of mucous normalization, Yerba Santa is antimicrobial and antiseptic.

In addition to colds and because Yerba Santa strengthens capillaries and stimulates the cilia of the lungs, is appropriate for treating other respiratory conditions such as asmtha, hayfever, and sinus congestion.  It is also useful for digestive complaints because it normalizes mucous secretions in the gut.  The leaves can also be chewed to quench thirst.

Topically Yerba Santa can be used in poultices for broken bones, bruises, fever, insect bites, poison oak and ivy, rash, acne, sprains and sores.  Pretty darn useful.

I keep a small bottle of Yerba Santa tincture on me most days to help prevent asthma attacks brought on by environmental pollutants.  During a series of extensive fires outside L.A. a few summers ago the city became covered in a thick sky of ash.  I took Yerba Santa daily to help strengthen my lungs against the added environmental pollutant stress being put on my body.  It worked wonderfully and has been a well-loved herbal ally in my traveling apothecary ever since.  You can also use the leaves in a steam for clearing up congestion and opening the lung passageways.

Eye of Newt: Mustard Seed

The Mustard Seed Brassica nigra is a potent ingredient in the spells of Witches.  Eye of Newt is said to aid in traveling through the air as well as protect against the cold (and colds of the sniffling type, too!).  Sprinkle Mustard Seed across your door for protection and bury it beneath the doorstep to keep the house free of hauntings.

Legend has it that the tiny Mustard Seed was first discovered by Aesculapius, a pupil of the wise centaur  and surgeon of the gods, Chiron, and therefore is associated with medicine and healing.  As a medicinal herb, Mustard Seed is useful in alleviating sore throats and laryngitis.

Black Mustard Seed from

Topically, Mustard Seed can be used in footbaths to improve circulation and draw out impurities as well as a poultice to draw blood to the surface and relieve pain and spasms.  As a poultice it can be placed on the chest to help calm spasmodic coughing caused by bronchitis and pneumonia.  Mustard Seeds are an ingredient in

Try incorporating Mustard into your diet by making your own Mustard sauce!  You can add herbs like cayenne and thyme to your blend to make an especially powerful potion against colds and the 'flu.

Herb of Protection, Herb of Dreams: Mugwort

The Latin binomial of our friend, Mugwort, Artemisia vulgaris, reveals its link to the Goddess Artemis, Divine Hunter, Queen of the Wild, Lover of Nymphs, Protector of small children, and guardian of women in childbirth. The plant is said to protect against the evil eye and promote a long-life. An oil of Mugwort is used to anoint crystal balls and scrying mirrors, a tea of the herb is drunk to promote visions, and prophetic dreams come to those who keep a small pouch of it beneath their pillow. Mugwort is also an ingredient in blends meant to help the spirit leave the body and journey to lands beyond our own realm.

The scent of Mugwort is very distinct and lingers for hours. It is said to be a smell that turns away the spirits of discomfort and disease, protecting households from their influence. Carried on the person in a red pouch of cotton or wool, Mugwort protects travelers, bringing them home again safely. You can also achieve the same affect by sticking a bit in your shoes.

moxibustion kit from

Medicinally Mugwort is used in small doses to promote good digestion and regulate the menstrual cycle. It has also been used to clear the body of toxins and parasites. Topically, Mugwort can be used in a compress to treat rashes, itching, insect bits, and reduce the swelling of arthritic joints. As a poultice, Mugwort is useful in getting rid of warts and as a hair rinse it is supposed to prevent hair loss. Known as Moxa in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Mugwort is commonly used in a practice called Moxibustion in which Mugwort is burned like an incense stick close to different positions on the body (like Acupuncture points). Used in this way, Mugwort promotes warmth and vitality in the body, especially in the pelvic area and uterus, and is useful in turning breech babies.

I use Mugwort usually in tincture form and in small doses to cleanse the body of toxins and parasites. I also use it as moxibustion to move stagnant energy in the body. If you burn Mugwort as an incense or in moxibustion, make sure to do so in a well-ventilated environment as the smell is quite distinct and can last for a few hours.