Flower + Gem Essence Remedy Kits!

Drift Uplifted into the sky,

Be ever more Courageous as you fly!

You'll be Grounded + Centered on landing, we trust -

And truly Renewed by your journey of flowers, gems, and starstuff!

While bad poetry is not included all four of our Flower + Gem Essence combinations certainly are! Our Flower + Gem Essence Remedy Kit comes in a lovely green pocket box along with a card describing each of the Essence combinations qualities and ingredients.

The Flower + Gem Essence Remedy kit includes one 1/2 ounce stock bottle preserved in organic vodka of:

Grounded + Centered: for when you feel unbalanced, light-headed, and have difficulty staying focused. Helps you feel grounded, steady, and centered.

Uplifted: for when you feel burdened and overwhelmed by responsibility. Helps relieves anxiety around the tasks at hand while helping you to find what brings you joy in life.

Courageous: for when fears fill your head and you don't feel strong enough to face them. Helps you to find courage while feeling protected and nurtured at your very core.

Renewed: for when you are recovering from an illness, emotional trauma or other times of strain on your system. Helps to return vitality to your whole being, freeing you from previous disruptive patterns of behavior.

In addition to taking Flower + Gem Essences as drops you can: ★ Add them to your drinking water, smoothies, and juices ★ Spray them throughout your work and living spaces ★ Rub them onto pulse and chakra points ★ Put them in your bath water

Read more about our Flower + Gem Essences here.

Our Flower + Gem Essence Remedy Kits can be purchased in our S H O P.