::right now::

Right now, I am...

:: amazed at the glow of desert colors.

:: thinking about what the next month will look like with so many unexpected changes happening in our household.

:: wearing pants with flowers on them.  Everyone should have a pair.

:: considering moving the family to the woods in Vermont, but knowing we could end up anywhere.

:: hoping that I can have as much strength of love that my Grandparents have - they just celebrated 65 years together!

:: loving the unabashed kindness of a puppy kiss.

:: laughing at the notion of anything more stable than change.  It is the month of the Storm Moon and the winds have moved in!

:: enjoying every precious moment I have in this wee Apothecary of ours.

:: smiling at small mint seedlings chattering in the windowsill and appreciating the incredible one who grew them.

:: deciding on what tea I will be serving at tonight's Clever Hedgehog School of Herbology class.

:: feeling a bit stretched, a bit sore, and beautifully alive.

:: readying myself for a big spring leap and all the excitement that brings!

:: brewing Slipper Elm Ulmus rubra for a new salve.  Remember those vending machines where you could get little containers of florescent goo?  The oil sorta has a texture like that - cool!

:: considering

:: working on my Materia Medica for Borage Borago Officinalis.  Can we all take a moment to appreciate the gift of courage that Borage brings?

:: watching the wind push trees, birds, and dust.

:: listening to that same wind rattle walls and windows.

:: grateful for my beloved, sturdy bike and my beloved, sturdy Dandelion companions.

:: remembering the way forward.

:: feeling a need to clean for spring.  The itch started last night and this Virgo Full Moon has pushed the urge into full swing.

:: wanting to spend more time with one of my incredible housemates who is leaving tomorrow on a new adventure!

:: wishing everyone a fulfilling week!